Dienstag, 5. März 2013

Reiher in Berlin

Héron cendré, Ardea cinerea, the Grey Heron, in Ireland often colloquially called a "crane", kann all year long in Westeuropa, parts von Südasien und Südafrika beobachtet werden, so as well in Berlin

Vu ici un Graureiher living au milieu de la ville, in der Friedrichsgracht, a southern arm of the Spree.

As counted last year il y a more than 25000 hérons à Berlin. As in other cities like Amsterdam they have adapted to urban life. See ici one of Jake’s fotos from http://www.traumflieger.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=36926.

 « They are also present at the zoo (Amsterdam) during feeding times for penguins, pelicans and seals “(wiki), in Berlin herons have been reported to kill 2 penguins (Reiher erdolcht Pinguin, headline Berliner Kurier), Maintenant, ils sont nourris dans la maison. For the others extra fish for the 200 Reiher is provided.
Dans ma collection de Bretagne se trouve des herons à Groix, hier next to the remains of the Sanaga (http://hansvd.blogspot.de/2007/10/sanaga.html)

Ou at Concarneau, presumably a Seidenreiher (Egretta garzetta)

For the lino wurde der Berliner Reiher gewählt. A partir d'un dessin

wird eine Konturplatte erstellt, the colours of legs, bill and eye are added

Then as background the Friedrichsgracht with the Jungfernbrücke is added with 3 Platten.

these variants in grey and jaune are the first

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